Thursday, January 13, 2011

whats on my mind...

hello, okaii so yesterday i didnt go to school bc i was so tired n just didnt feel like being at school (like any other teenager who has to wake up at 5:15 am! ask my mom could i stay home because she was staying home from work and so was ma brother. so she sed "okaii yeah sure, but if yu stay home and yu dont pass them two quizzes yu have then that phone is mine for 2 quaters." i was soo sad when she sed that. so i now i am pressured to pass my two important tests in ma biggest classes...decisions .. well now i have to study this 50 page study guide..thnxx mrs. reeves:/..... well anyways im sitting in i.t. class thinking about food and when i tell yu crab legs sound so good right ... OH IT SOUNDS REALLY GOOD!1:) LOL.. well thats all 



  1. wow layla you would say sumthen stupid like that lol... did you bring snack today???

  2. wow mickey yu really wuld ask me that ./.. thats why yu fat!! lol
